Girls Bowling


Isabelle Peck

Grade: Junior
Individual Season Totals
48 7906 164.7 278 461  
Complete Match Log
11/19 OHS State Kick Off Wayne Webb's 2 104, 122 226 113.0 122 Match
11/30 Wilmington Royal Z Lanes 2 169, 156 325 162.5 169 Match
12/3 Teays Valley Shootout Wayne Webb's 3 148, 188, 136 472 157.3 188 Match
12/5 Clinton Massie Royal Z Lanes 1 158 158 158.0 158 Match
12/8 Eastern Brown Community Lanes 2 161, 175 336 168.0 175 Match
12/9 Wilmington Batavia Bowl 2 149, 183 332 166.0 183 Match
12/12 Goshen Eastgate Lanes 2 169, 136 305 152.5 169 Match
12/17 Raider Collegiate Challenge Poelking Woodman Lanes 2 145, 152 297 148.5 152 Match
12/19 Western Brown Community Lanes 2 148, 147 295 147.5 148 Match
12/27 The Wayne Bowl Out III Poelking Marian Lanes 2 143, 196 339 169.5 196 Match
1/3 Western Brown Batavia Bowl 2 201, 159 360 180.0 201 Match
1/8 Back To School Bash Rollhouse Fairfield 1 127 127 127.0 127 Match
1/10 Clinton Massie Batavia Bowl 2 136, 150 286 143.0 150 Match
1/13 Goshen Batavia Bowl 2 155, 191 346 173.0 191 Match
1/22 East vs West Western Bowl 3 165, 169, 193 527 175.7 193 Match
1/25 New Richmond Cherry Grove Lanes 2 183, 278 461 230.5 278 Match
1/31 New Richmond Batavia Bowl 2 174, 167 341 170.5 174 Match
2/4 SBAAC League Royal Z Lanes 3 149, 136, 174 459 153.0 174 Match
2/7 Clermont Northeastern Batavia Bowl 1 226 226 226.0 226 Match
2/9 West Clermont Cherry Grove Lanes 2 193, 167 360 180.0 193 Match
2/12 Blue & Gold D1 Challenge Poelking Woodman Lanes 2 145, 135 280 140.0 145 Match
2/21 OHSAA SW-S2 Sectionals Rollhouse 3 137, 152, 168 457 152.3 168 Match
3/3 OHSAA SW Districts Beaver Vu Lanes 3 223, 198, 170 591 197.0 223 Match